
That's what I meant in my earlier post when I said I don't really want separation of Church & State.

So you want a religious state? But according to which church? Whose rules? And what about people who may still practice religion but whose religion does not have the exact same principles? What about people with no religion at all?
Wendy, when I say I want a religious state, I don't mean the word "religious". To me, Christianity isn't a religion (although I know that technically it is). Christianity is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. I am a Christian and I don't think I could truly follow Christ if I thought that other people's religions were just as valid. I know that may offend many people on here but it's not meant in a condesending way at all. I say this because I believe with all my heart that what the Bible says is true, that Jesus Christ is our Lord and that the only way to Heaven is through Him. If I wish that other people felt that way also and wish that they would go to Heaven as well, it's not because of a judgemental spirit or any other reason; I only wish everyone had the hope that I have in Jesus Christ.

I've kind of rambled on here. I don't think I've really answered your other questions. In my ideal church/state government, the people who didn't believe anything or followed a different religion would follow Christian principals. I say again, not the Old Testament law, but what Jesus teaches. This I think, regardless, of what religion you practiced, would be a good thing. I mean, who doesn't want forgiveness, giving, faith, hope, love, honesty, generosity, etc. etc. shown and instilled by their government? That sounds like a great society to me. So in my mind, the government that I would like would be that of a Utopian society. It won't ever happen....

Mercy quoted:
I don't think I'd have much respect for someone who really thought they *knew* something as important as how to be The Definition of a good person/how to have an eternity of paradise, and *didn't* try to push it onto others.
Kind of what I was trying to say above...

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw