Hi Ann,

I just discovered this thread and it's been a nice distraction from homework. I thought I'd pipe in with a thought that came to mind as I read your description of your relatives.

Tell me, what would you think of your relations if they firmly believed everything they do--deep in the firmament of their being--and *didn't* try to steer your down the path to God? What would you think of anyone who knew information that would bring *eternal* happiness (and that's a long time) to you and, more importantly, lead you to be (in the most completely objective sense of the word) a *good* person, but they just kept mum and took the "spoils" for themselves?

Especially consider if someone knew that in order to be A Good Person (we're still talking *the* objective definition here), they were required to let you in on what it would take to bring you eternal happiness, but they just decided not to. Or when they had the opportunity to take to the streets and bring it to their whole country, they stayed home and watched TV instead. Or participated in an H.C. Andersen fairy tale play.

What if there was some being out there that is so smart, so incredibly powerful, and so incredibly gracious that He made *everything*. That He thought you up and set you in motion. And all He asked in return was that people like you obey people who are made a little different from you (males vs females). That's your job. Perhaps its an experiment--how do people do when they are put in positions of power over others for arbitary reasons? How do people do when they are told by Me to be the property of other people for arbitrary reasons?

Whatever the reason He did this, this is the way He wants it. And if you put up with it for 70 years, be faithful to the One who made you and made everything and everyone you enjoy and hold dear, He'll reward you with an eternity of bliss. He'll answer your every question, give you love and respect and whatever you desire.

What if you knew this was the way the world worked, but your stubborn grand daughter was going to lose it all, because she would rather be in H.C. Andersen plays? (I'm being mildly absurdist here, but I'm sure you follow my point.)

I think if I were religious, I would be a crazy fundie. As an atheist, I became a physicist instead. Meh.

But it's interesting to think about. I don't think I'd have much respect for someone who really thought they *knew* something as important as how to be The Definition of a good person/how to have an eternity of paradise, and *didn't* try to push it onto others.

Then again, the wishy-washies who basically say "this is what I think but you're free to be a heathen" certainly make life easier, as I think their faith is mis-placed. But I wonder if *that* type of Christian doesn't, somewhere down deep, agree with me.