Ah, TEEJ, once again I think you must live in a really great place
Unfortunately, I live in cold freaking Minnesota, one of the liberal meccas of the free world (and I call it mecca because they make liberalism to be their freaking religion) and every real Christian I've met, and every church I've been to(several since we've been trying to find a home church) never once suggested that women be stoned to death for cheating on their husbands, told us to stop eating hotdogs, or threatened to take our property if we don't pay a tithe(so far that's only the local liberal government).

Christians who want to go back to Judaic law live right in my backyard (literally--they're across the street). And these are not cult members either.
Seriously? No extemporation or embellishment? for real? What denomination are they? I gotta see this doctrine to believe it.

Western societies and western thoughts and traditions rein its Christian fundamentalists in.
Horse hockey and here's why. People rein themselves in. Real life mainstream Jesus loving Christians learned some time ago that being violent is not only against the the dictates of Christ, but it tends to turn folks off. That's just plain common sense. As I said before, anybody saying/doing different is after power, with no love of God involved.

Muslim societies don't always do that with its Muslim fundamentalists, for a variety of reasons.
...and here you see the powerplay in progress. It's their goal to establish a world wide Caliphate in the next 100 years and since regular preaching and witnessing isn't getting it done fast enough for them, they are turning to violence, a culture and belief system they've been nuturing since the 50/60's (Thanks for encouraging that, Jimmy Carter!)

And that is why the separation between church and state is so incredibly important to me.
Okay and when the rampaging terrorist Christians overrun Washington, we'll let you know how right you were. thumbsup


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!