recent events and trends have proved that a majority of folks nowdays have stopped raising their children with morals or ethics.

When policy on saving trees becomes more important than stopping the murder of unborn babies, it's time for Christians to start looking to the Heavens, because we all know we're not really meant to be here anyway and it's this knowledge(and hope) that comforts me when the realization of the hellmouth this nation has become crashes in on me.
That's exactly how I feel Teej. That's what I meant in my earlier post when I said I don't really want separation of Church & State. My idea of church is not that of the old testament but that of a society that lives how Jesus lived. If a government could instill those values into people then I do think we'd see alot less of the violence/hate/unethical actions we see now.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw