Now you can go off wondering hypothetically what would happen if a bunch of Christians got voted into office(oh the horror )how they'd force all their policy on the poor liberal minority, but the fact is, the US is going exactly the opposite direction. You can comfort yourself knowing that recent events and trends have proved that a majority of folks nowdays have stopped raising their children with morals or ethics.
I have the impression that TEEEEEJ has left this thread, so perhaps she will not return to clarify this for me - maybe someone else can.

And maybe I'm just confused, but I'd like to know who this "majority" of folks are who aren't raising their children with morals or ethics. I don't have to be a mind-reader to feel confident that if I were to approach 100 different parents and ask them "Do you feel that you are raising your child with a strong sense of morals and the ethics of what is right or wrong?", that every single one of those parents would answer "Yes." Yes, none of us are perfect, and the problems in some families may be overwhelming and this really messes up a child's way of thinking, but doesn't just about any parent want to give their child a strong moral grounding. And it's a parent's choice as to whether or not they include organized religion as a part of that.

So who has decided that the majority of folks don't care? I really would like to know.


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