Anyone who knows me is perfectly aware that I write fanfic.

My friends tease me about it, though I don't think any have ever really read anything I've written.

My mom has read several of my stories - she's even aware that I've written things you wouldn't let a minor read, though I won't let her read any of it. Several of her friends have read stories I've written, too. But then, my mom and her friends all write all well, even though fanfic isn't exactly their style. wink

A lot of my coworkers have read my stories too - I used to be in a "creator's club" at work and we'd share our work, mine was fairy tales initially, but then L&C happened and... But they just think it's really cool to write about superheroes anyway. Mind you, I work in a place full of very creative people - some direct short films, some are very talented photographers, there's even a couple of published authors there. And, heck, we even have a band!

Oh, and I have my NaNoWriMo "winner certificates" on my office door, for everyone to see. I'm proud as heck of those, I don't see a reason to hide them. smile

IMHO, if anyone I know has a problem with me having a hobby that makes me happy, then this isn't someone I want to be friends with. So I like superheroes, how is that a big deal, really?

[eta: Besides, everyone knows I'm a geek. And I'm proud of being one, too.]

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies