Answering this before reading all other comments...

How open are you with the fact that you write and/or read Lois & Clark fic? Do you tell your family and friends, or are you totally closeted about it? Why?
I don't broadcast it from the rooftops, but it's not exactly a secret, either. Daniel obviously knows since he practically lives in my head. Both of my parents know; my dad has actually read one of my stories. One or two of my close RL friends know I am a Superman fan, but I can't remember if they know about the fanfiction or not. But I don't think anyone beyond that knows. The primary reasons are (1) I don't talk about my life a lot anyway and (2) while I'm not ashamed of it (anymore - once upon a time I was!), I do know there are people who would think it's strange and I just don't feel like having that conversation with them.

ETA: Reason (3) that I don't tell: As Sue said, it's like a secret language that FoLCs share. What's the point of trying to explain it to someone who is never going to understand anyway?

lisa in the sky with diamonds