Well, I'm not a writer but am an avid reader so I'll comment. wink

Pretty much everyone who knows me knows that I'm an LnC freak. They all tease me about going to LAFF but I don't care! Maybe because I've grown up a 'Star Wars Nerd', I'm used to being made fun of or something. But it really doesn't bother me at all. I sometimes think I thrive on their criticism. Heh.

Criticism probably isn't the right word because no one I know really 'criticizes' me. They just call me a nerd, weird, dork, etc. but I never feel ashamed or anything like that. Now I don't necessarily advertise that I like to read.. ahem..coughsmutcough.. but I feel I'm pretty open about my LnC obsession in every other aspect.

When I buy my Ork shirt before LAFF, I know everyone will be wanting to know what that is but I haven't decided what to say yet. Lara said she fessed up in the same situation and everything went okay but I don't know... maybe I could say LnC inside joke or it was supposed to say Dork but they forgot the 'd' huh

I'm interested to see other people's responses...

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw