I knew this one right away - it's the fabulous When the World Finds Out by CC Aiken - but it's taken me until now to find the time to come up with another quote.

Which is right here:

You'll have to forgive me for not knowing this sooner, but I was fooled. You see, falling in love with you wasn't like I expected falling in love to be. I always thought that it would be a noisy affair, introduced by music and fireworks, flashing lights and blaring sirens. Instead, I learned that falling in love is quiet and gentle. It's warm and enveloping, a pair of deep brown eyes pulling you in so softly that before you are even aware, it's wrapped you in a tight hug. Falling in love isn't falling at all. It's floating. It's flying. And only after you've been lifted so high that the Earth is but a distant blue memory do you realize how easy it was.