A hint huh? Let's see what I can do wink

The man took a look around the spot where he had landed. He
stood in a dark little alley. He was relieved to see that no one
had noticed his arrival. It was always best that no one saw him
and no one knew he was here. They would not understand how or
why he was here anyway.

He walked over to a newsstand that stood at the corner of the
street. It was early in the morning and they had just put out
all the newspapers. He picked up a copy of the Daily Planet. The
front page title made him wince. The headline, in big bold text,
read: "Caped Wonder Stuns City". The man walked back to the
alley he had come from and let out his frustration on a trash

He had failed. Again!

He knew he should have kept a closer eye on them this time! They
always managed to find a way to make his plans crumble! He had
tried countless times to keep this from happening; to keep them
apart. But no matter what he did, no matter what he threw their
way, they always got out of it. They always won!

Would he never be able to destroy Utopia?
Okay this is the end of this wonderful story!! I hope it helps!! smile


"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet