Ohhh, I just read that! It's a TOGOM, it's, it's... crap. I have no idea. *thinks*

--five minutes later--

Aha! It is To Wake from Dreams by Nicole.

New quote:

Pulling the keyboard forward, Lois poised her fingers above it, wondering what kind of password Clark might choose. "Smallville," she
typed confidently, then hit enter.

Lois furrowed her brow slightly as the
"Incorrect Password" message flashed before her
eyes. She chewed on her lip before trying
again. "Kansas."

When she received the same response, her brow
knitted more tightly. She looked worriedly at
the screen as she began to type anything that
sounded likely.


No ...




No, no and triple no.

Lois took a deep breath, trying to stop the
desperation that was threatening to well up in
the pit of her stomach.




Lois dropped her head into her hands. Why was
this so hard?!

Taking another deep breath, Lois forced herself
to think. People usually choose passwords that
are important to them, right? After all, hers
was "Superman" ...

Eyes widening, Lois entered her next attempt,
almost afraid to see the results ...


And just like that, she was in.

lisa in the sky with diamonds