Got it! I thought I had it, then I didn't, then I thought I did again, but that wasn't it either. And THEN it hit me... It's Tracey's A Love Well Worth the Wait . smile

OK, try this one:

Clark punched the ground at his side, and his fist sunk six inches into the soft earth.

He withdrew his hand and splayed his fingers, staring at the damp earth covering them. The soil of a planet that had adopted him. Then failed him.

He was an alien. Alienated. Not human.

Did that mean he didn't deserve what most humans had? Friendship? Happiness? Love?

Was that why? Because he wasn't from here, didn't really belong here?

Clark wiped his hand off on the grass, though remnants of the sodden soil remained stubbornly on his skin, making sure to remind him that it was there, but not a part of him.