That's Medical Miracles by Alicia U.

“Hey, you look familiar.” The boy squinted as he looked at her more closely. “I’ve seen you before.”

“Hmmm,” she answered noncommittally. But instead of putting her head down, she stared at him. He wasn’t even really a man, more like a kid. Of course, she didn’t know many kids who walked around with the handle of a gun sticking blatantly out of their waistbands. She wondered how someone so young found himself in this situation.

He rubbed his thin chin, thinking. “I know. On the side of the route 313 bus. An ad for some newspaper.” Suddenly, his face brightened, a wide smile showing front teeth that were slightly crooked. “You’re Lois Lane!”

She nodded regretfully. Once again she had reason to curse the ad manager who had insisted on the splashy “Lane and Kent” ads spread all over Metropolis. The side of the bus, for heaven’s sake!

“Wow! I read your stuff all the time. In the Daily Planet, right?” the boy gushed. “Wow. I can’t believe it. Lois Lane!”

Sitting up a little, she leaned on her elbows trying to find a comfortable position. “And you are?”

“Adam Jenkins,” he offered without hesitation, and Lois thought his chest puffed out slightly. “Geez, you know, I remember this one article you did. About guys who scam old people out of their savings by telling them that
they’ve got poison gas in their basements. And just after that, this jerk tried to do that to my grandma. If I hadn’t seen your story, she’d have lost it all. But I ran the guy off. Could tell from a mile away he was a total scumbag.”
Good luck!

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!