Ooooh! I know that one instantly. It's Sara Kraft's amazing Away From The Sun.

Dear Lois,

I had a really nice time last night, and I was hoping that wecould do it again. I'd be honored if you would let me take you out to dinner. I'll come by your apartment at seven o'clock tomorrow evening. If you aren't there or you don't answer the door, I'll understand, no hard feelings. I'll always and forever be

Your best friend, Clark

She read the note four more times before the full weight of its message sank in. The word 'date' wasn't written, but that was sure what it sounded like to her. He wanted to take her out to dinner... he was picking her up... if she said no he'd understand... yep, it sounded like a pretty classic definition of a date to her.

A date? She'd been on dates before, but never with someone she knew so well. The fact that she and Clark were already so close made her a bit nervous. He knew so much about her, including her many faults. If she accepted, all bets were off. There would be no pretending to be something that she wasn't; he would see right through any of the facades that she'd used with men in the past.

If she accepted? What was she thinking? After last night, there was no way she was going to turn him down. She'd felt something new last night. Something that she'd never felt with anyone ever before. She had to explore it. Not accepting, never knowing, would be something she'd regret for the rest of her life. She *had* to accept the date with Clark.

A date with Clark!

Her heart took over for her head and created a fluttering of excited butterflies in her stomach. Everything she'd been feeling last night was coming back to her in a flood of emotion -- the giddiness, the nervousness, the anticipation, the longing.

Lois checked the clock; it was 3:06. Time couldn't move fast enough.
Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!