Hmm... I believe I’m going to have to pull out IGaCOY and watch it again.

Some folks have mentioned that Lois thought it was okay to steal others’ stories. And that does seem to be the case. But yet she was crushed because Claude did the same to her. Shouldn’t she have learned something there?
When? Aside from the incident I mentioned above and about which Lois was very upset afterwards, I can't think of any. So she had learned from Claude. (or perhaps it was something she knew all along?)
Well, it was mentioned that she tried to steal Clark’s story, and that’s why he sent her on the wild goose chase at the dump (or sewer plant).

* Except for the fire hydrant. There are some mistakes I can't let slip past and I still think he deserved a good slapping for that one.
The fire hydrant? You mean as in, “Look, there’s an elephant?”

If you had Lois Lane with her primadonna airs working in your office, do you think you would like her? Do you think your co-workers would like her?
Most people wouldn’t. Only those that had gotten under the surface.

For example, we beat up on Lois for her insensitivity in asking Clark, after he's confessed his love for her, to find Superman. Yet, we don't beat up on Clark for dismissing Lois's love for Superman, something he's known for some time. Why the difference in treatment?
I see nothing similar here. I never thought Clark dismissed Lois love for superman, there are several times he gives her input on how superman might see her. And he is certainly ready to bask in her adoration when he is feeling low. It’s just that he don’t believe she cares for Clark Kent and he can’t give her Superman because it’s a role he plays.
I agree.

OTOH asking a guy that just confessed his love to you to go and fetch the man of your dreams is…cruel in the extreme, I even thought it OCC, even if Lois is self absorbed she shouldn’t be that insensitive.
Yes, it is. I didn’t particularly think it was out of character for her though (but yeah, she shouldn’t have been that insensitive. - heck, she could have yelled for Superman from a rooftop.)

Like Clark, I think, I see her abrasiveness and almost manic hunger for success as a wall of armour concealing a vulnerable and desperately lonely soul.
Exactly my interpretation, but most of the people around would just see her surface, It’s also why I find the gentler Lois of the last seasons a natural progression, she wasn’t lonely anymore.
Yes, I can see that, too - at times. But did we really know that about her during strictly the first season? There were few glimpses into her softer side during that season (or at least few that I remember.)

A series we all enjoyed, but have to reallize was written by writers who often exhibited a less than perfect record in writing our main characters with a consistant personality.
That’s true, Tank.

Rather, draw back from the fine detail and take the long view - the broad impression the series leaves us with of the main characters.
Well, said, Yvonne.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~