As in this Nancy? As in me? It sounds very familiar, but I can’t find the quote.
My apology here, Nancy. I rechecked and see that it was Sheila who wanted to give Lois "a dose of her own medicine". She didn't sign her post but ended with a quote from you with your name attached, and so... what can I say, very sloppy on my part. frown

Ah, but i see that you do agree with the quote. smile You really are hard on first season Lois! Yeah, she was far from perfect - but then neither was Clark. He gave as good as he got. That's what made the first season interesting. And remember too, that there were more times when she made it clear that she respected and cared for Clark in S1 than there were times when she was dismissive of him .

i think we have to take the whole package, the context so to speak, when we interpret Lois. She's not a one-note character.

Which brings me back to one of my initial arguments in this thread - why do some people see only the good in Clark and only the bad in Lois - the "halo effect" thing?

For example, Lois does something despicable - unethical: she steals Clark's story. That's the memory that lingers. At least, that's one example that's often mentioned in mbs discussions. But the rest of the story doesn't get mentioned - she acknowledges that what she's done is wrong, she's dismayed that she's done it (her confession to Lucy).
Then Clark gets his revenge (and notice it's *revenge* he wants here, not to forgive or understand her) - he knows she's Superman crazy, so he contrives to send her to the city dump on a wild goose chase. He sucks her in; she goes, she returns, dishevelled and storyless. So how does she react? She acknowledges his point and we see her respect for him.

or how about when he tossed her in the dumpster?
If Lois at times treated him "like dirt", he treated her like garbage. smile (not to mention the fact that he'd horned in on her story and had just succeeded in taking it from her, not to mention his use of physical violence...)

Now, we know from day 1 that he's Superman and that he loves her. But *she* knows neither of these things. He's just a new co-worker in a highly competitive industry. But we watch, smitten by the look in Clark Kent's eyes. Not to mention the memory of him in that towel [now enshrined in the nfic Hall of Fame laugh ] How dare she not love him?
But what we forget is all her small gestures - how often she touches him casually, something we don't see her doing with other co-workers.

lots of other examples, too. smile

That’s why she should get a dose of her own medicine so she knows how it feels.
But she did know how it felt - she told Superman she was in love with him, and he rejected her.

As well, Clark Kent, not unlike some folcs(?) perhaps, never had much respect, let alone sympathy for Lois's love for Superman. But that love was real to her, and it was there from the beginning. Why do we imagine that she was hurt any less over Superman's blowing hot (well luke warm smile ) and cold with her than was Clark Kent over her treatment of him? Is it again because we know what Lois did not - that Superman was not a "real" person? So therefore Lois's feelings for him couldn't be real? But they were to her.

He didn’t treat her like a doormat. He didn’t treat her like dirt under his feet.
Ah, but he did treat her feelings for Superman like that. smile

For me, Clark / Superman is the main character.
For me, there are two main characters - Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Think that was one of the main premises of LCtNAoS. smile I enjoyed the nuances which the show brought to both characters. I like reading about *both* Lois and Clark. For me, Lois Lane is not expendable, nor is she just a sidekick or another babe on his list. She is as integral to Clark Kent/Superman as he is to her.

Wow, Nancy, I'm exhausted. But I get that you really do dislike Lois Lane. Wow!
