For example, Lois does something despicable - unethical: she steals Clark's story. That's the memory that lingers. At least, that's one example that's often mentioned in mbs discussions. But the rest of the story doesn't get mentioned - she acknowledges that what she's done is wrong, she's dismayed that she's done it (her confession to Lucy).
Yes but she doesn’t acknowledge it to Clark and (presumable) to any others of her co-workers. Could you blame them for thinking her false and disrespectful?

Then Clark gets his revenge (and notice it's *revenge* he wants here, not to forgive or understand her) - he knows she's Superman crazy, so he contrives to send her to the city dump on a wild goose chase. He sucks her in; she goes, she returns, dishevelled and storyless. So how does she react? She acknowledges his point and we see her respect for him.
That wasn’t as I saw it, Lois congratulated him on out manuvering her for the story, essentially being a greater bitch then herself, But Clark of course didn’t care about the story, he just tried to show her that was goes around comes around. But that went above her head, due to her self absorption.

The thing is that Lois is a seriously flawed character, She is pleasant enough when everyone adores her and things goes her way, but she has several traits that would make her rather unpopular in the lunch room I imagine. Clark OTOH seems like the perfect son in law, handsome, pleasant, kind, committed I don’t find it strange that women would take his part(several fics have worked with this too, everyone at the Daily planet automatically assume that any discord is Lois fault.)

We know that Lois bitchiness stems from insecurity not malice, she constantly has to prove that she is the best due to bad self-confidence, if someone else gets praise she takes it as criticism of her own work. That kind of people don’t get many friends. I think part of the reason Lois treats Clark so harshly is that she is taken by his looks and charm, but don’t care to fall for him.

For me, there are two main characters - Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Think that was one of the main premises of LCtNAoS. I enjoyed the nuances which the show brought to both characters. I like reading about *both* Lois and Clark. For me, Lois Lane is not expendable, nor is she just a sidekick or another babe on his list. She is as integral to Clark Kent/Superman as he is to her.
This is how I see it too. That they have such a different outlook is what creates the dynamism between them. Lois is a very complex character, which I imagine is the reason she gets Clark’s attention. And Lois does mellow when she understand that someone loves her for who she is, not what she can do. And I agree with Nancy, Lois in the later episode was the woman she wanted to be.
At the same time Clark IS singularly unique, he is a god, she is human, to other people it’s not her own traits but superman s attention that makes her special. I’ve even see this realisation in some fic’s like in Wendy’s “Second thoughts” where she notice this herself.

You're Superman - the world needs you! Nobody needs me!" She saw him flinch, as if her words hurt him. "*I* need you," he told her, his voice husky. "*I* need you, Lois.."

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...