I saw a couple of interesting things here.

Perhaps there is a unconscious thought that if *we* had Clark (we being the women FoLCs), *we* would never treat him in such an abominable manner. Lois did, and therefore she should be punished by remaining alone for life. I think if we were to take a survey, not many would admit to this feeling, but it may be underlying nonetheless.
Interesting, but speaking as the Sassy Town Cynic here, I could have easily acted the same way as Lois did. Maybe not quite to the degree she did, but I wouldn't punish her for it. I'd say 'she's only human', but she's a fictional character. <g>

I think it's a matter of Lois' attitude from the beginning
That flashed like a control tower to me. I could easily see Lois berating herself for not being able to have more time with Clark once she finally realized what a catch he was. I think she'd have to break through that before she could move on.

But then again, I'm not really into the soulmates thing, fictionally speaking or not. I don't think there's just-one-and-only-one right person for everybody.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy