rotflol , ML. That cuts to the chase. laugh

canon was rather vague on that point.
Perhaps not L & C canon, though. Time Minear, the writer of Brutal Youth, is on record as stating that he intended that episode to imply that the longevity scale was more or less balanced as a result of Clark having given up some of his 'life force'.

Sorry if this veered off-topic, Carol! I know that Clark's potentially long life-span wasn't really what you had in mind when you phrased your original question, but I *do* think it's relevant when considering Clark-moving-on fics.
Perhaps, but since that topic has been thoroughly discussed elsewhere i didn't want to address it again. As well, it's quite a separate issue, really, from the question I asked.

I'm reading Tuck Everlasting to my kids right now, incidentally, which may be why my thoughts are rambling down this road
Tough book for kids, imo. Not that they shouldn't be exposed to 'tough' smile
But, you raised some interesting points with respect to exploring the issue of longevity,, Caroline. It's really a very dark concept when you think about it. If you're interested in it, you might like Timothy Findley's novel, Pilgrim, which deals with that theme. He's one of Canada's top writers and it's a very well-written and thoughtful book. That makes it sound boring laugh , but it's definitely not!
