It seems I owe Lois an apology.

You got the story, _and_ you took me down a peg in the process. I guess I deserved that. You worked hard an earned your success.

She does seem to admit that stealing his story was wrong, even if she doesn’t gets right out and apologize, and the “you worked hard” might not have been for him successfully pulling her legs.

for example?
Breaking and entering, bribing, sabotaging other reporters work. How about, her eagerness to get a story out of the robbery of Clarks apartment?

And what was Clark doing when he came on to Toni Taylor?
Oh I don’t blame Lois for flirting with the bad guys. But too me it seem rather systematic, like say Dr Winniger, or Clark for that matter, if it’s something in it for her. Clark also seemed to be genuinely disappointed that Taylor turned out to be a rotten egg, as if he actually cared for her, to Lois the scuzballs are just that.

If he genuinely respected her as a colleague, he would not have acted so unilaterally.
Lois didn’t want him there, he went there because he feared for her safety. That was how I interpreted blowing her cover too, by doing so she wouldn’t be exposed. So you might say that he didn’t respect her choices and judgment OTOH he does have some good reasons for that.

- he seemed to enjoy tossing her.
I saw it like that too, I think he was becoming rather exasperated, Lois simply didn’t care to cooperate with him, (not that I say she was obliged to).

One person's "assertiveness" is another person's "abrasive" and another's "feisty".
If you had Lois Lane with her primadonna airs working in your office, do you think you would like her? Do you think your co-workers would like her?

For example, we beat up on Lois for her insensitivity in asking Clark, after he's confessed his love for her, to find Superman. Yet, we don't beat up on Clark for dismissing Lois's love for Superman, something he's known for some time. Why the difference in treatment?
I see nothing similar here. I never thought Clark dismissed Lois love for superman, there are several times he gives her input on how superman might see her. And he is certainly ready to bask in her adoration when he is feeling low. It’s just that he don’t believe she cares for Clark Kent and he can’t give her Superman because it’s a role he plays.

OTOH asking a guy that just confessed his love to you to go and fetch the man of your dreams is…cruel in the extreme, I even thought it OCC, even if Lois is self absorbed she shouldn’t be that insensitive.


Some folks have mentioned that Lois thought it was okay to steal others’ stories. And that does seem to be the case. But yet she was crushed because Claude did the same to her. Shouldn’t she have learned something there?
But we know that she was distraught, that she says she had never done it before and blamed her obsession with Superman for it.

Like Clark, I think, I see her abrasiveness and almost manic hunger for success as a wall of armour concealing a vulnerable and desperately lonely soul.
Exactly my interpretation, but most of the people around would just see her surface, It’s also why I find the gentler Lois of the last seasons a natural progression, she wasn’t lonely anymore.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...