Lately there's been a bit of discussion about 'moving on'.

But, with one exception, I can think of no fics that are exclusively about Lois moving on - where Clark is either dead or Lois gives up hope for a life with him and, by the end, has moved on to be with someone else while Clark remains alone.

I'm really curious why this double standard exists. { I'd like to leave discussion of "immortal Clark" out of this because that's been discussed before. Besides it gets us into the 'soulmates' discussion which is not what I'm getting at. I mean the 'normal age' Lois and Clark fics.)

So why the dearth of "Lois moving on" fics?

In another thread, Nancy wrote:
[QUOTE] I am glad that she finally got a dose of her won [own] medicine! ( much later edit: it wasn't Nancy who said this but Sheila) /QUOTE]
So, is it this "Lois must be punished" idea?
But why?

Is it because she wanted to be the best at her job? (but that "uppity female" argument doesn't apply in 2007, does it?)

Or because she loved Superman, rather than Clark, in most of Season 1? (although on her wedding day, it was Clark she loved and so said no to Luthor)

Because she didn't figure out that Clark was Superman in S1?

the Mary Sue thing?

Or because we believe Clark can do no wrong? He is always lovable, regardless of what he does. smile (what my psych text calls the 'halo' affect) ?

Other reasons?

And why such a harsh punishment?

Now perhaps Sue's "Platonic" will become a Lois moves on fic (although I hope not smile ) since it deals with the aftermath of Clark's dumping Lois at the end of ... you all know the ep the title which I've forgotten laugh ) In that circumstance, Lois could fall into a passionate love affaire (after all, Sue is posting this in nfic wink ) with some amazing new character and then marry him at the end?

Maybe I've just missed the "Lois moves on fics"? And there's not this double standard in fics at all?
