Hey ccmalo!

I think part of why there are maybe no "moving on" fics is because as authors, we tend to write what we think will be enjoyed by the readers. For the most part, I don't think any of us want to see Lois or Clark "move on". We want desperately for them to end up together - one way or the other.

I'm positive that's why I haven't written a "moving on" fic.

However, I'm not above writing a "torture Clark" fic. <g> I'm always up for those. I'm attempting to do a little bit of torture on him in 50 First (with Sue's help).

But this is definitely an interesting topic. I think I'd be afraid of being run out of town on a rail if I wrote a fic in which Lois dumps Clark (or vice versa) in a permanent fashion and gets together with someone else. blush But I'm a little insecure that way. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.