Prior to getting hooked on the L&C reruns on TNT, I was heavily involved in the Scarecrow and Mrs. King and Babylon 5 fandoms, both of which also have a lot of fanfic. So I had read many wonderful stories, and also some ones that I didn't enjoy at all.

At one point on one of the SMK lists, there was discussion of setting up some kind of author awards, and a list member mentioned the L&C Kerth Awards. So once I'd seen enough L&C episodes to know that I definitely needed to read some stories, I did a search for the Kerth Awards, and for my first story picked the Best Overall Story of the most recent awards:

Wendy's For the Greater Good

Nothing like starting at the top! smile And, two years later, it is still one of my very favorite stories. And then I kept reading, and reading, and reading...


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5