I don't remember what my 1st fanfic was, that time was so confusing. I had just watched some old taped episodes my mom had of Lois and Clark and she only taped three of them, including And The Answer Is but she didn't tape We Have A Lot To Talk About. frown After finding out the show had ended years ago I went online, trying to find scripts of the episodes but couldn't find a good site. Then I searched the tv guide, and found out they were replaying the episodes. A few weeks later the show ended and I wanted more. My brother told to search for fanfiction ( confused ) and, after he explained what that was, I searched. I found a page with,like, 75 links. I looked under fanfic and went to a few sites, skimming some stories, I almost gave up right there, some of those were in desperate need of editing and in the others, the story made no sense. Luckily, I found the archive and now I'm hooked smile