Love You More – Lisa Gardner
Bone Harvest - Mary Logue

A couple of thrillers. LG is an old favourite and this was a good one from her. The Bone Harvest was a little weak on plot, but the psyche of the killer was keenly observed, and I enjoyed it, despite its flaws.

Color of Law – Mark Gimenez

I do like the occasional legal thriller and this was a great one. Our hero’s elite, privileged life as a corporate lawyer (I accidentally mistyped corrupt there for a minute, which isn’t far off the mark either!) falls apart spectacularly overnight when he is forced to go up against a powerful Senator and defend the prostitute accused of killing his son. Some have said it’s too pat, particularly in the way that things turn out so well and fall together so happily in the end, but, you know, sometimes that’s not a downside to a novel. I didn’t find it detracted at all and I really enjoyed this one. There was also a very nice note of sharp wit running through it, which was fun. I’ve added the rest of the author’s novels to my Wish List.

The Distant Hours – Kate Morton

At first when I opened this one up I had no clue why I’d added it to my Kindle as it seemed to be a generational/family issues novel – which isn’t my genre at all. But I was hooked from the start with the intriguing notion of a lost letter finally being delivered after fifty years sparking off a mystery from the past. As it turned out, the letter was pretty incidential but it was the starting point to more than one fascinating mystery in the lives of three elderly sisters. I need to read more from this author. Wonderful stuff.

The Strain – Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan

I’m a huge fan of many of Del Toro’s movies, so when I saw his name on this vampire invasion novel, I had to give it a try. And it wasn’t half bad. I’d place it at least on a par with Salem’s Lot. And it’s the first part of a trilogy, so even better. It had many of the staples of the genre of course – the genre-savvy kid, the old Eastern European foe of the Master vampire – but there were new and equally fascinating characters to join the gang of the Good and some really nice set pieces.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers