(I'm trying to catch up by reading shorter books!)

#8: Deborah goes to Dover - M.C Beaton. Book 5 in the travelling matchmaker series. Embarrassingly I have read several of these. Short, mindless fun. Untaxing on the brain cells.

#9:The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald. Read this in high school and decided to give it another go. There's nothing special about the plot really, but the way it's worded is simply beautiful. I am so full of admiration for the writing.

#10: Me and Mr Darcy - Alexandra Potter. I read P&P in January so things related appeal. Just not particularly this book. I enjoyed it enough to finish it, but I found the main character a bit stupid at times, and it's written in the present tense and first person, neither of which I like. Also, the author is English writing an American character and I kept finding her using the wrong terminology which annoyed me.

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.