What a great goal! Used to read so many more books than fifty, but last year was so busy, I hardly read anything. So, trying to get back to the enjoyable hobby, hope no one minds if I'm a bit late! smile

1) Midshipman's Hope - by David Feintuch
I've read this book a dozen times before, but it's always just as good as the first. Set in the future Navy when trips through the stars take several years, a lowly midshipman is catapulted to the captaincy through tragedy and has to face a host of troubles.

2) Challenger's Hope - by David Feintuch
As good as the first one! Now officially a Captain, Seafort once more gets a ship, but the betrayal of an admiral leaves him stranded on a mutinous ship with no way home.

3) Prisoner's Hope - by David Feintuch
Sick and wounded, Seafort is now on Hope Nation, but an attack destroys the armada and leaves him senior Naval officer, which means he has to protect the colony from invasion. Really well-done, perhaps too much so because when he's sick, I feel sick!

4) Fisherman's Hope - by David Feintuch
Maybe my favorite--the Navy doesn't know what to do with their youngest war hero, so they put him in charge of the Academy. However, Seafort, tormented by the decisions he's made in the past, has no idea what to do with the hundreds of cadets.