P&P is one of my most favourite books ever. Haven't read any of the sequels/alternatives, though.

R4. De la Terre à la Lune (From the Earth to the Moon) - Jules Verne [Greek]

R5. Autour de la Lune (Around the Moon) - Jules Verne [Greek]

I've been trying to keep a critical eye as I re-read, in order to be able to post proper "reviews". So, while I've enjoyed these two books very much, I can now say that From the Earth to the Moon might not be for everyone. It deals a lot with technical stuff (how big should the cannon be? what should it be made out of? etc.), astronomy and history of astronomy, and while the few characters we actually meet are fun and well-written, the plot progresses considerably slowly and could actually be summed up in two or three lines.

Around the Moon is more interesting in that regard, although here too, we find more astronomy, and detailed descriptions of the space and moon. But again, not that there is much plot, but we see more of the characters and their life inside the projectile.

Despite all that, the books are fascinating for the view of the world and the space they offer. Reading them brings you back to that era, and you'll find yourself rooting for this to happen, eager to discover the moon, and completely forgetting that you're in fact living in a world where space travel is an old story.

N2. Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes [English]

Doranwen got me this book. Very, very interesting premise, and very well done. The character starts out decidedly likeable and even amusing, in the way that kids and their naïveté can bring a smile to your face. Then it becomes fascinating to watch his progress after the operation, and you feel for him as he struggles to fit inside a newfound world. It also poses some good questions about people, intelligence and its importance, and life in general.
I admit that, being the geek that I am, I would have liked to see some more technical/medical talk, but its absence makes this book a simple and enjoyable read for everyone.

Now to get my psychiatrist-in-training boyfriend to read it... :p

P.S.: gr8shadesofElvis, LOVE your sig. May I steal? (Not for use as a sig, obviously!)

What we've got here is failure to communicate...