That sounds more promising than I would've expected, given the movie reviews. I'll have to check that one out.

Originally posted by LabRat:
And me. <g> But I'm not starting with any of those, but with:

[b]The Postman - Dan Brin

I didn't think the movie with Kevin Costner was as bad as the critics made out, but I had no idea it was based (very loosely as it turns out) on a novel until I found this among my Kindle books.

Turned out to be an extremely entertaining, thoughtful, thought-provoking and intriguing story. I enjoyed that it was short on the horrors of the post-apocolyptic world and long on the sense of hope and courage and striving towards something better that prevailed.

And it made me cry at the end as that sense of hope continued. You can't ask for more from an author really than that.

LabRat smile [/b]