I feel the same way about Stephen King. I was really excited about his earlier works. Sometimes I wonder if that's because I was in high school at the time and my first introduction to these types of stories. But over time, it still seems like the later books aren't nearly as good as his earlier work.


Originally posted by LabRat:
Just After Sunset - Stephen King

As I've previously noted, I was a huge fan of King's early works. So it was almost physically painful for me to try and work my way through this recent collection of short stories. For the most part boring, they bore no relation to the wonderful short stories of the past, such as Shawshank, Apt Pupil and those contained within the pages of Skeletion Crew, Ten Past Midnight and even those written for Creepshow. Those were magical and it was hard to imagine they'd been written by the same author who wrote these. :