Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Mouserocks:
[b] I'm probably gonna kick off this year by rereading/reading my favorite Star Wars novels, as a soft way into the year...
Which would be? [/b]
I'm into the what-happened-next stuff, so it's mostly with Han and Leia's children and whatnot. I'm going to at least re-read a couple of the Legacy of the Force series novels (definitely number five, which is "Sacrifice". It's my favorite and I actually cry at one part mecry ). And then I need to catch up on the newer series, Fate of the Jedi.

But that might have to wait because I just cracked into an Agatha Christie last night and I might go on a murder mystery spree first...

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain