N6. Emma - Jane Austen [English]

Loved it. It's thanks to Pride and Prejudice that I've been set on reading more Jane Austen, and Emma has a lot in common with it; particularly the strong heroine, which is an element I missed in Mansfield Park (the other book of hers I've already read); I like a book that revolves around an active character much better than one where the main character is constantly sitting somewhere and simply observing. Emma is a character I loved reading about: she's beautiful but haughty; intelligent but not always right; good-hearted but quick to judge; and her imperfections and contrasts make her all the more interesting.

Jane Austen's writing in Emma is exquisite as always - I have no clue how she has managed to write such engaging books by describing the common, everyday life! And I love reading about that era, even though some of its aspects are annoying - at some point near the end I got so annoyed at the importance of social standing in choosing a spouse, but I realize that's how it was back then, and the character thinking of that was justified for a number of additional reasons, so I persevered. laugh Not to mention, the end was what I had wished for from the beginning, so that gave me a good feeling too wink

I have two more books of hers I haven't read, and will probably be picking them up soon enough. smile

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