
Thanks to JoJo and Kaylle who cheered me on the last hour!

Official count is 50216 but I wanted to make it on my Word file which stands at 50020 right now.

And I didn't even have to cheat on my time zone smile . My author's note is almost 900 words but that's okay smile - it is legal! I do not even want to knwo how many contractions I will need to put back in or how many times I wrote "Nigel St. John" instead of just "Nigel". And Lois went Step. Pause. several times when she was in a wedding but it's all good.


It's done!!!

Okay - it's not really done. There's still quite a bit more story to stick in there and large sections that may get deleted, but that's okay. I can write in contractions again and that makes me happy smile .

Thank you so much to everyone for the cheerleading! This has been an absolutely crazy month, but I did it and you guys believing in me sure helped!
