I got a late start. It wasn't that I didn't start on November 1; I did, but without the clear-cut outline that I planned to have. (I got back from the second funeral on Oct. 31 and didn't have the time.) Unfortunately, that meant that I didn't notice until about four days ago (give or take a little bit since time is kind of woozy these days) that I didn't have a good enough overarching conflict to make the story interesting. I'm still going to write that story someday, but not until I've given it a whole more thought.

Anywho, back to my point--and I did have a point, in case you were wondering. I wrote 6000 words on my story and then gave up and started over on a different story. My 5-yr-old came up with a great idea, so I'm writing that story instead.

I've got just over 9,000 words written, with many hours left of my day-of-rest. But the good news is that this story is actually getting written instead of having me try to pull each word out of thin air. The other good news is that instead of writing bad fanfic very slowly, I'm writing good fanfic at a moderately fast pace.

I'm just hoping to get up to 12,500 words by the end of the day.

who has been writing like the wind, but is now too tired and is simply breaking wind