YAY! For the three of you who are done!

I was thinking 'oh, I only have about 200 words to hit 40000, but I looked wrong - it was 200 to hit 38000. Current official count: 38182

Can I do almost 12000 words tomorrow? Maybe. Remotely possible. I still have to finish writing the creation of Sman, rewriting the globe scenes, and introducing Jason Trask and the beginning of the showdown with Trask and Lex [very GGGOH with Lex tossed in] - the end is already written - and so on. There's way more than 10000 words left in the story, but whether or not I can get it done in the next 24 hours and still take care of kiddos and a sick DH...

Our neighbors did get the pipe fixed, so that helps...

Regardless of whether or not I actually finish the other 12000 words or not, I'm quite proud of what I have accomplished so far, especially given the trials and tribulations of this month.

I say we have another party at midnight tomorrow smile .
