Well... This is a quick overview of my first day:

I started adding words to the story I had started at lunch time. The one that's basically a rewrite of the pilot... I got up to 852 words (up from 500-some).

Made the "mistake" of reading it again.

Decided it sucked, that I hated it, that I never wanted to see it again and... and.... and... OMG, whine! IsoterriblywantedtowriteaboutBatmaninstead!

So... I put "Fates Entwined" on my USB key and opened up a new Word document and then I started typing something else.

I put in 1131 words, then went to bed - smiling and seriously looking forward to being able to write again.

So in fact, I've written 1983 words. Sadly, they don't all count. Heh.

I don't know yet what I'll do with Fates Entwined. All I know for sure is that forcing myself to write a story for the sole purpose of being able to post it here was a really bad idea. The story I'm working on now won't fit on the boards for damn sure, but it's definitely going to make me a happier person.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies