Given my month, I feel no guilt whatsoever about uncontracting everything and writing without them now. Would I love to hit 52000 words to take that into account? Sure, but I'm also realistic. It's unlikely I'm going to crank out 5000 words a day this week so I'll take what I can get. I also do not feel guilty at all [okay maybe just a bit] for resetting my time zone further west because I don't usually get time to get into a groove until 1130-1/130. Is it technically cheating? Yes, but I'm okay with it at the moment given this month. If this had been a normal month then I would either a. feel really bad about it instead of just a little or b. [more likely] not do it at all. Since I spent nearly half the month in the hospital with a 3 month old, I don't feel much guilt about it at all.