I did it last year and it was lots of fun. Not sure if I'm doing it this year because I'm supposed to be going for surgery near the beginning of the month, but... what the heck. I can start and then if I have to drop out... oh, well. So...

NaNo Name: MLT
Years Doing NaNo: 2nd year
This Year's Genre: Mystery
This Year's Idea: There has been a shooting at the court house. The reader isn't told who the shooter is. Then, we flash back to the beginning of the day and follow a number of people's days from that morning until the moment of the shooting. Can you figure out who the shooter is?
Novel Title: But For The Grace Of God
Word Count Goal: 50,000+

By the way, I should mention that last year, if you succeeded, you could get a free bound copy of your book sent to you. Let me tell you, it's a real thrill having a bound book in your library with your name on it laugh

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane