I wrote during the two times I had scheduled today and got 2010 words. Considering that I usually write about 250 words per hour, that's pretty impressive for about 3 hours work.

Sara, I have the same problem with editing as I write, trying to make a perfect draft, which is why I decided to try NaNo this year. How did I shut off my editor? I sat down with a timer set for five minutes, turned off my monitor and started typing. I couldn't see the screen, so I couldn't correct my errors. When I couldn't think what to type, I typed a string of "and and and and" until the next phrase came to me because the rule with freewriting is that you can't stop writing. When the timer went off, I turned the monitor back on, reset the timer for about 4 minutes and corrected what was on the screen. So out of my 3 hours of writing, I only wrote for 120 minutes or so while the rest of the time was cleaning up my typos, filling in missing words, etc. For me, that's a staggering output.

The nice part about the process I used is that it can be used with very short periods of free time (like 5 minutes wink ).

Looking forward to tomorrow and finding out what happens next--a strange situation for a natural-born plotter to find herself in. wink

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
