Erm... so far there are only two actual characters in my story. I like both of them.

The only other people so far that aren't "a crowd" or "a group" are two other guys who don't have names are are really just... extras. You know, the type that have no lines and get listed as "guy with gun" or "man at table" in the end-credits?

One is the owner of an inn and I have no feelings for the guy, good or bad. He just is.

But the other dude... Ooooh. That dude! I hope he gets hurt later on. splat He held Bruce at gunpoint, threw him on the floor and stepped on his back, breaking one of his ribs and then... then, he kicked him in the head. Meanie!


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies