Okay, okay, writing.

7:40 pm Central: 45921

The official counter keeps getting farther from my Word counter - Word counter is 45750.

The second question now becomes [the first one was 'can she do it?'], what scenes can I write quickly with enough word count... The proposal/wedding/aftermath [not L/C but they're involved closely] was 6514 words but I think it's done - I could maybe put a bit of filler in but... not where the word count is going to be. Maybe a reveal with Perry or a Christmas scene... *sigh*

ETA: YAY! DH took DS who needs someone to cuddle with him to sleep. We're normally not big cosleepers [neither of us sleep well when we do that], but DH is lying there with a kidney stone and can handle a cuddly baby. Off to type like the wind!