Heee! I started. smile It's probably crazy to get excited like this just because I wrote a few words in a Word document while I was having soup and crackers, but... heh. I'll take all the excitement I can get.

I managed to get 510 words on the page in half an hour and I've even got myself a working title for now. laugh ...and, I'm a bit annoyed that I had to close the file because I was just starting to feel it and had just gotten into that zone where my brain is on pause and my fingers do all the typing on their own. I love when that happens - my fingers are smarter than my brain!

Gotta go back to work. Looking forward to picking this up again this evening. smile

I hope you all have a GREAT first day!!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies