Thank-you, Terry, for your apology.

What got the burr under my saddle was the bald statement that “X story isn’t L&C” without couching the statement as someone’s opinion and without giving any clear statement as to why it isn't L&C.
A word about my non-use of 'qualifiers' of the 'this is my opinion' type.
I went to school at a time and in a place where if you didn't pass a rigorous regional exam in grammar, you failed your senior year in high school. (and I might add this was how it should have been! smile

We were taught that to write "in my opinion", "I think", "I believe", etc. when writing an opinion or argument was redundant because readers should be able to distinguish between fact and opinion when they read.

Consequently, it goes against the grain to use qualifiers (my former English teachers Will! Know!) and so where I've used them in this thread, I've been a bit flippant because of my discomfort.

On the matter of why I didn't perceive TRT as an L&C fic: I had given some reasons in the original TRT fdk thread in explanation and also briefly alluded to a couple of reasons in this thread. I'll e-mail you privately, Terry, with a fuller explanation since this still matters to you. Don't worry, it won't be long:)

As Labrat said above, she knows what an L & C fic is and she knows what a Smallville fic is but she's not going public with the latter perception - I suspect, because, "there be dragons" smile

By the way, to call something a "Smallville fic" or an SR fic , etc is not an insult, just a descriptor. But then, not having read fanfic other than L & C I don't know what it's like. I would find it difficult to believe that its quality differs from "L & C" fic, though.

I'm sorry, though, that my comments have upset you so much, Terry.

c. (who has decided not to post mbs fdk on stories anymore)

edit: oops, just remembered that I've read a couple of X-files fanfics (not bad smile ) and I used to read Lou's stories at Pemberley (very good!) and one sitcom fanfic that had been written by a former folc. "L & C" is the only Superman incarnation fanfic I've read though.