I... uhh... hesitate to get involved here. But I did want to respond to just one point.

...it's akin to telling them they should have scrapped the central idea (which is what the _premise_ is). That there is no way it might work (as LnC) based on internal logic alone. Those are pretty crushing comments after someone has taken the time and effort to write it out, because it indicates that nothing they could have done, short of not writing *that* story, could have worked. The words "doomed from the start" come to mind.
Actually, that's not exactly true. I just wanted to comment on this, for anyone who might be interested in how one might deal with this problem... (if they want to deal with it at all, of course laugh ).

Well, Demi, in her author's comments to Heaven\'s Prisoners , deals with exactly that sort of problem (by 'primary catalist', I assume she means Clark leaving Lois - although, I should point out that has always just been my assumption of what she didn't think would work in the Lois and Clark universe blush ).

You might want to check it out. It lets people know right up front that there might be some problems with your basic premise, but that you want to explore how Lois and Clark might have handled it anyway.

I really appreciated that comment the first time I read the story because it allowed me to suspend my disbelief long enough to get to the good parts laugh .

Just a thought for anyone who wants the option. wave (who only reads Lois and Clark for... well, Lois and Clark laugh - oh, and the nfic. Must not forget the nfic wink )

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane