But what about fics where the powers are reversed - it's Lois who has the powers and Clark can't fly? They've been accepted as Elsewhere.

As well, in alt-universe fics, Perry isn't always an Elvis fan.
Well, those are examples of the stories contained in the following group mentioned in my last post:

And then, of course, there are stories and authors who toss canon in the bin and leap off into the wild unknown. That's called 'exploring all of the possibilities'. Or 'what if...?'. And that's been a basic of fanfic for the entire three decades I've been involved in fandoms. It's probably the most cited reason why someone begins to write fanfic in the first place. "I was watching TOGOM and I suddenly thought, what if...?", "I always thought it was a shame that the clone died and thought I'd change that..."
And, yes, they could easily be considered Elseworld or Alt-Universe if they diverge enough from canon. I'm pretty sure that these and similar examples have been.

I'm a little confused as to your reply here, Carol, referencing my post, or what your point above is. I'm getting the impression that in some way you thought that my last post was in some way an answer to your last question about Smallville etc. Just in case and to clarify - it wasn't. I was simply confused when I skimmed over previous posts and found a discussion labelled canon which seemed to me to be more about character interpretation and wanted to point out that they aren't the same thing. I felt the confusion over the terminology might be confusing the debate.

Not sure about the fish though. [Smile] Lois either has them or they're not mentioned in fics. And a couple of times, those fish have been the stars of the story [Smile]
I'm a bit confused as to your point here, too. But if you mean there's some issue over whether Lois keeps fish is canon or not, then the answer is, yes, it's canon. It's an established fact direct from the show. No one is ever going to win an argument which starts out, "Lois Lane hates fish..." because someone is simply going to come along and shoot that one down in flames with "Okay, in episode X, scene Y...could that be an aquarium I spy in Lois's apartment..." wink

Anyway, it may just be the time of day and the fact that I'm exhausted after spending the weekend babysitting our friend's dog (she's fun to have for a visit, but it is rather like keeping company with two juvenile delinquents when she and Homer get together :rolleyes: )....but I didn't really understand the points you were making in reference to my last post. Apologies if I've misunderstood what your meaning was. (Which, the more I consider it, seems ever more likely... laugh )

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers