In my opinion I don't feel that Clark should be doomed to a life alone simply because he hasn't met Lois. However, the show was titled Lois and Clark for a reason and that is because the lead characters got together. Believe me I've debated circles around my friend who only know of the the whole Superman thing from watching Smallville and will say the Lana and Clark belong together. Of course I don't agree, but I don't feel that Clark would 'settle' for Lana because he hasn't met Lois. Clark is the kind of person who has a lot of love to give and while Lana may not be our first choice for him. It is clear that he once loved her and that they did share something. So does that make Clark an insensitive coot if he moved on? I personally don't think so. I feel that both Lana and Lois wouldn't want Clark to spend the rest of his life alone if they died young particularly with the secret that he bears.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller