I don't recall reading a fanfic with the following premise, so let's make one up.
For reasons unimportant to this example, Lois falls in love with and marries someone before she meets Clark. This someone dies in a tragic manner, leaving Lois alone until she meets Clark. Now, since Lois had a wonderful relationship with this anonymous man, is she incapable of experiencing that "one great love" with Clark?
I don't recall a fanfic like that either, Terry. I don't think there is one. To me, that is important. People who have written and posted LnC fanfics don't seem to have fantasies about Lois Lane living very happily with a man who isn't Clark. We all seem to agree that Lois can be truly happy only with Clark (although I do remember a Tank story where Lois has had enough of sharing her life with a superhero and walks out on him).

And if so, is Clark left with "sloppy seconds" because he marries a woman he can never be "once in a lifetime" in love with?
No. Clark isn't left with "sloppy seconds". There have been several stories where Clark has met another woman and has married her or at least had a very close relationship with her, and he has been very happy with her even though she wasn't Lois.



I'm talking about stories like It Might have Been by Ray Reynolds, where the author even posted an nfic honeymoon vignette to underscore how sexually happy and in tune Clark was with his wife-who-was-not-Lois. There is also The Butterfly Legacy by Lynn M, where Clark's true love seems to be the woman he met in the jungle, and the memories of this woman are always with him afterwards in his marriage to Lois. There is Classicalla's A New Hero, where Lois is dead but Clark has remarried and is very happy with his new wife. And in her new story, Laura S made Clark very, very happy with Lana, and then he became a very, very grieving widower.

Yes, there have been stories where Lois has remarried, too. She did so in your Choices and Consequences, Terry, but even though the men she married (two versions, two different men) were extremely kind and loving to her, the pall of what she had lost always hung over her, and she was incapable of being happy. (In your story, Terry, Lois therefore had to be reunited with Clark.) And in Becky Bain's Ad Astra Per Aspera Lois eventually married another man, after waiting for many, many years for Clark to return from Krypton. She had a good marriage to her husband, and he was a good man, but, to use a term from LnC, he wasn't her soulmate, and she wasn't truly "meant" to be with him.

I would say that as far as LnC fanfic goes, Clark can be completely happy with a woman who isn't Lois, but Lois can't be completely happy with a man who isn't Clark. So until someone actually writes a story where Lois is very happily married to a man who isn't Clark, I don't think your question is completely valid, Terry.

However, Terry, one of the things that makes you so interesting as a writer is that you want to explore the Lois and Clark relationship "as a reality", not as a fantasy. That is to say, you find it interesting to put Lois and Clark in the kind of "relationship situations" that people have to deal with in real life. Almost all of us fall in love more than once during our lifetimes, and in most relationships jealousy and doubt are definite possibilities. And relationships may fall apart for all kinds of reasons, including the death of one of the spouses. You write very well about these "real-life threats" to Lois and Clark's relationship.

Personally, however, I agree with Sue:

In reality I would cut both characters miles and miles of slack - but this is fiction. It's wish fulfillment. It's a fantasy where everything turns out perfect - like I wish real life would.

Real life doesn't come with guarantees. But the fic I read darn well better. Does that mean that people should only write stories that are solely Lois and Clark? No! It just means that I, personally, won't be very interested in reading them.
I totally agree with Sue here. To me, the LnC universe should be perfect when it comes to Lois and Clark's romantic relationship, precisely because this is a fantasy. And like Carol, I think that means that their love should be unique, one of a kind and incomparable, and Lois must be every bit as important as Clark. That doesn't mean I think that other people should not be allowed to write stories where this is not so - of course not! Good heavens! No matter how how infuriatingly opinionated I may be, not even I am presumptuous enough to demand that everybody should write just the kind of Lois and Clark stories that I like. But when I write FDK on a story, my own preferences about what an ideal Lois and Clark relationship should be are going to shine through.


P.S. Just to make things absolutely, absolutely clear - of course I have no objections to "real-life" widows or widowers remarrying. On the contrary, I'm happy for them. I, too, hope that your mother-in-law can find another man to share her life with, Wendy. And however snippy I may have sounded, I'm happy for Elisabeth's grandfather, too.