I'd really like to know what people think about this. I'd like to know what to expect when I write my next long story, which pairs – oops. (waves hand in slow circle and types in a soothing voice) These aren't the spoilers you're looking for. Move along, move along...

Seriously, can we talk about this calmly? Because it would be nice to know what the readers are looking for and where the boundaries are. Sure, the majority of stories pair Clark and Lois at the end, and yay for that! I prefer to see them together too, at least most of the time. And if there are warning labels to alert the reading public – like a WHAM warning, or an ANGST warning, or a SPLUTTER warning – I'll start using it if I know about it.
Well, Terry, I'm not your average reader who can tell you where the "normal" boundaries are. But I have referred to Becky Bain's Ad Astra Per Aspera at least twice in this thread. I don't like Becky's take on Lois and Clark, but she certainly gave us fair warning. She posted a foreword which began like this:

A word of warning: if Lois and Clark together and in love is necessary for your enjoyment of a story, this one probably isn't for you. But it came into my head several years ago and wouldn't go away until I wrote it.
If you plan to post something similar to Becky Bain's story, a word of warning similar to what she posted might be a good idea.
