Ann, thank you. I appreciate your response. I'm not going to say much because I think I've been entirely too vocal in this thread, but I can't make myself shut up entirely.

So, Kathy, I think you are wrong when you suggest that many LnC fans believe that Lois might find happiness with another man (if that is what you really suggested - I might well have misunderstood you).
No, you didn't misunderstand me.

I am making an assumption here as well, one which others may agree with but some may not. Yes, there are more Lois deathfics than Clark deathfics. Yes, there may be more stories of Clark moving on with some degree of happiness after Lois' death than the reverse. Whether there is a surplus of one and a dearth of another is a relative term, considering the very small sample numbers we are talking about for all the categories. Some FoLCs would avoid stories in any of these categories. Some who would pick and choose, some would probably read all of them.

But you can't read stories if they aren't there. And you can't simply say that the stories aren't there because no one will read them. If a writer's muse is not inspired (for lack of a better word) to write a Lois-happily-moving-on story, how can we read it?

So I have no more hard facts than you do. This is strictly my opinion. But until we get evidence one way or the other, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Kathy (who is thinking of creating a poll, but thinks that maybe this horse is completely flogged at this point...)

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5