But another group of LnC fans, probably almost exclusively female, are interested in LnC only because they love Dean Cain's handsome and romantic Clark Kent.
Well, I don't deny that I do love the handsome and romantic Clark. It's also fair to say that IF I had to choose one of these two characters and say which one was more important to me, I would choose Clark. Many would. There are also many - including you, Ann, and Tank, for example - who I believe would choose Lois.

To them it's probably enough that Clark Dean Kent finds romantic love in the fics they read, whether or not his love interest is Lois. In fact, at least some of the Dean fans may actually prefer that their hero falls in love with someone other than Teri Hatcher's Lois Lane.
This is where I completely disagree. So yes, obviously I'm not part of this group that you speak of. What information have you seen posted that has made you draw this conclusion?? Is the reverse true for you - that you don't care whether or not Lois's love interest is Clark. Would you actually prefer that Lois falls in love with someone other than Clark?

I doubt it. Yes, L&C did turn me into a Dean fan, so I have watched other TV shows and movies that he's been in, even the awful ones. And I have therefore seen the "actor" fall in love with other females. But when I watch L&C I don't see "Dean" playing the role - I see Clark. And because I see Clark, I want to see Lois too.

From the responses I've seen in this recent discussion and in other threads, I've never got the impression that there is this second group of FoLCs such as you describe. On the contrary, I would say that 99.9% - if not 100% - prefer reading stories about Lois and Clark together.

But just because people may prefer L&C together, doesn't mean that people are unwilling to try other premises. Because it is also true that many people believe that, depending on the circumstances, either Lois or Clark could potentially find love with someone else. I know that is one of the issues that disturbs you, and you have every right to feel the way you do, just as everyone has that same right to their own feelings and opinions. But that issue is not the same thing as your latest statement that at least a small smattering of "Clark" fans don't care - or might actually prefer - if Clark ever loves Lois or not.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5